Blue Tulip Bulbs

Tulips come in all colours of the spectrum from red and orange, to green and yellow, to purple and pink, yet ‘true blue’, the holy grail of the horticulturist colour wheel, has always managed to elude the tulip family. That’s not to say there aren’t some wonderful, blue-toned tulips on the market, however. For centuries, the best tulip breeders have set their sights on cultivating the bluest tulips possible, and there are several stunning varieties that come pretty close to fitting the bill.

Browse the range of blue tulip bulbs for sale on DutchGrown™, and discover for yourself why we are known as The Tulip Experts!

Affichage 1 - 3 sur 3 produits




  1. Tulipe Crunchy Cummins

    Tulipe Crunchy Cummins

    À partir de 8,90 €

  2. Tulipe Blue Aimable

    Tulipe Blue Aimable

    À partir de 7,40 €

  3. Tulipe Blue Wow

    Tulipe Blue Wow

    À partir de 12,50 €